Are you having issues? Get a quick solution by choosing from the options below:
🛠️ 1. Explore all features available in the free version to maximize its use. Familiarize yourself with... More details »
🛠️ 1. Use the magic eraser tool on high-contrast backgrounds to improve results. The tool works better... More details »
🛠️ 1. Zoom in on the area you are refining to gain better control over the adjustments. 2. Use a stylu... show fix »
🛠️ 1. Ensure you are using high-quality images with clear subjects. The app performs better with well-l... show fix »
🛠️ 1. Always start with the highest resolution images possible. The quality of the final output is ofte... show fix »
🛠️ 1. Ensure your iPhone is running the latest version of iOS. Go to Settings > General > Software Upda... show fix »
🛠️ 1. Use a pinch gesture to zoom in and out on the image. If this is not working, check if your device... show fix »
🛠️ 1. Develop a habit of saving your work frequently. Use the save feature after each significant chang... show fix »
🛠️ 1. Spend some time exploring the app's features and layout. Familiarize yourself with where tools ar... show fix »
🛠️ 1. Evaluate the features you use most and see if there are cheaper alternatives that meet your needs... show fix »
🛠️ 1. Check the app settings to see if there is an option to save images in original size. Some apps ha... show fix »
🛠️ 1. Explore the app's community or user-generated content sections, if available, to find additional... show fix »
🛠️ 1. Use the app's features strategically to maximize the number of cutouts you can create within the... show fix »
🛠️ 1. Use the sharpening tool if available in the app to enhance the clarity of your subject. 2. Adjus... show fix »
🛠️ 1. Identify the specific tools you feel are missing and look for alternative apps that provide those... show fix »
🛠️ 1. Regularly save your projects and back them up to your device or cloud storage. 2. Check the app'... show fix »