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M Mandarin-漫中文-Learn Chinese
company: Funnybean Technology Co., Ltd.
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  Cost of Subscriptions
  1. Quarterly membership: $12.99 Quarterly membership, free trial for 3 days.
  2. Yearly VIP: $64.99 Unlock All the comics in a year
  3. 60Beans: $0.99 充值6人民币 获得60个豆子
  4. Monthly VIP: $6.99 Unlock any 30 episodes of comics in a month
  5. Quarterly VIP: $17.99 Unlock any 100 episodes of comics in a quarte
  6. 480Beans: $6.99 充值 45 人民币 获取 480个豆子
  7. 720Beans: $9.99 充值 68 人民币 获取 720个豆子
  8. 30-day Chinese:From 0 to HSK1: $44.99 a new series of HSK-aimed quality classes.
  9. 260Beans: $3.99 充值 25 人民币 获取 260个豆子
  10. 30-day Chinese for VIP: $9.99 HSK-aimed quality classes for vip