Are you having issues? Get a quick solution by choosing from the options below:
🛠️ Ensure that you are using the latest version of the app, as updates often include bug fixes and impr... More details »
🛠️ Check your device's microphone settings and permissions to ensure that the app has access to the mic... More details »
🛠️ Verify that the volume on your device is turned up and not muted. Also, check if the audio output is... show fix »
🛠️ Make sure you are speaking clearly and at a moderate pace when recording audio for transcription. Ba... show fix »
🛠️ Explore the app settings to see if there are options to enable additional chat features or integrati... show fix »
🛠️ Regularly clear out old messages or conversations to free up space and manage the message limit more... show fix »
🛠️ Review the features available in the free version and prioritize using those that meet your needs. C... show fix »