Are you having issues? Get a quick solution by choosing from the options below:
🛠️ 1. Check if the audio files are in a supported format (like MP3 or WAV). If not, convert them using... More details »
🛠️ 1. Close other applications running in the background to free up system resources. 2. Lower the canv... More details »
🛠️ 1. Ensure that the app has the necessary permissions to access storage. Go to Settings > Apps > Ibis... show fix »
🛠️ 1. Restart your device to refresh the media database. 2. Check if the albums are hidden in the media... show fix »
🛠️ 1. Clear the app cache and restart the app to refresh the gallery display. 2. Check for any updates... show fix »
🛠️ 1. Ensure you are logged into the correct account associated with your cloud storage. 2. Check your... show fix »
🛠️ 1. Ensure that you have a stable internet connection while syncing. 2. Check the app settings to con... show fix »
🛠️ 1. Check the folder permissions to ensure that Ibis Paint X has access to those folders. 2. Use a fi... show fix »
🛠️ 1. Ensure that the images you are trying to import are not corrupted. Try opening them in another ap... show fix »
🛠️ 1. Reduce the number of frames in your animation to 24 or fewer and see if the app still crashes. 2.... show fix »
🛠️ 1. Adjust the bucket tool settings to ensure that the tolerance is set correctly. A higher tolerance... show fix »
🛠️ 1. Plan your artwork sessions in advance to maximize the time you have. 2. Save your progress freque... show fix »
🛠️ 1. Use the search function within the app to quickly locate specific files instead of scrolling. 2.... show fix »
🛠️ 1. Check the sensitivity settings of your device's touch screen and adjust if necessary. 2. Ensure t... show fix »
🛠️ 1. Familiarize yourself with the app's animation tools and settings to better utilize them. 2. Exper... show fix »
🛠️ 1. Explore the brush settings to adjust parameters like size, opacity, and texture to create a more... show fix »