Are you having issues? Get a quick solution by choosing from the options below:
🛠️ Check your internet connection. Ensure that you are connected to a stable Wi-Fi network or have a st... More details »
🛠️ Ensure that you are using the latest version of the app. Go to the Google Play Store, search for Gau... More details »
🛠️ If you encounter bugs after an update, try clearing the app's cache. Go to your device's Settings >... show fix »
🛠️ When dealing with complex problems, try simplifying the question into smaller, more manageable parts... show fix »
🛠️ When you receive multiple answers, take the time to analyze each one. Compare them and see if there... show fix »
🛠️ If an explanation is unclear, try breaking down the information into smaller parts. Look for key ter... show fix »
🛠️ Make sure that the camera lens is clean and unobstructed. Dirt or smudges can affect the quality of... show fix »
🛠️ Check the app settings to see if there are any language options available that you may not have acti... show fix »
🛠️ Identify the subjects that are well-supported and focus your usage on those areas. You can also expl... show fix »
🛠️ Review the features that are available for free and determine if they meet your needs. If you find t... show fix »